Narev Court, Cedar Avenue, Enfield
£235,000Interested in this Property?
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Stamp Duty on Property | |
Purchase Price | £235,000 |
Stamp Duty (First Time Buyer) | £0 |
Stamp Duty (Not First Time Buyer)* | £0 |
*Additional stamp duty is applicable on buy-to-let investments and second homes
Property Description
- 1 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathrooms
- 1 Receptions
A spacious modern 2nd floor one bedroom purpose built flat located in the heart of Enfield Highway, within approx 0.8 miles of Brimsdown BR station (serving London Liverpool Street) with own roof terrace and gated/secure allocated parking space. The property is offered for sale chain free. Features include: lift, gas central heating (untested), double glazing, security entryphone, gated/secure allocated parking space, own roof terrace, open plan living area, modern bathroom, 1 bedroom chain free sale.
Additional Information
- Lift
- Gas central heating (untested)
- Double glazing
- Security entryphone
- Gated/secure allocated parking space
- Own roof terrace
- Open plan living area
- Modern bathroom
- 1 bedroom
- Chain free sale
- Also available for £58,750.00 for 25% shared ownership scheme
- Conditions may apply
Property Location
Nearest Train Stations
Nearest Airports
- London City Airport (LCY)
- London Stansted Airport (STN)
- London Heathrow Airport (LHR)