Ermine Side, Enfield
£310,000Interested in this Property?
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Stamp Duty on Property | |
Purchase Price | £310,000 |
Stamp Duty (First Time Buyer) | £0 |
Stamp Duty (Not First Time Buyer)* | £3,000 |
*Additional stamp duty is applicable on buy-to-let investments and second homes
Property Description
- 3 Bedrooms
- 1 Bathrooms
- 1 Receptions
A spacious split level 2nd and 3rd floor purpose built maisonette located off Lincoln Road, EN1. Within approximately 0.4 miles of Bush Hill Park BR station. The property offers spacious accommodation. Features include:- 3 large bedrooms, living room with separate dining area, ground floor WC, 1st floor bathroom, gas central heating, double glazing and chain free.
Additional Information
- 3 bedrooms
- Living room with separate dining area
- Ground floor WC
- 1st floor bathroom
- Gas central heating
- Double glazing
- Chain free
Property Location
Nearest Train Stations
Nearest Airports
- London City Airport (LCY)
- London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
- London Luton Airport (LTN)